Five Tips for Becoming a Successful Voice-Over Actor

Five Tips for Becoming a Successful Voice-Over Actor

Are you interested in doing voice-over work? Voice-over actors work on cartoons, television and radio commercials and more. If you want to get into this career, it can be valuable to get advice from professionals in the field. Consider these five tips from casting directors so you can get a leg up on your voice-over career!

Nurture Your Acting Skills

Voice-over work requires you to convey as much feeling as an actor would in a television show or movie. Studying acting means learning how to find the motivation behind a character’s actions and delivering a convincing portrayal of a character. A voice-over actor uses these same skills. Voice-over actors are just as physical as stage or film actors as they move around and gesture while portraying a character. Voice-over actors must put even more emotion into their performance because they’re behind-the-scenes.

Don’t Try to Imitate Others

Maybe you give a great imitation of a voice-over actor working on television today. Imitating the actor is good for practice, but it’s best to carve out your own niche in voice-over acting. Come up with your own voices and characters so you aren’t just an imitation of what is already being done. After all, you’re trying to blaze your own trail as a voice-over actor.

Learn How to Evaluate A Script

Evaluating a voice-over script is an important part of the work of this type of actor. Evaluate the script by determining what kind of character you are playing. How can you bring vitality and life to the character? What tone of voice would suit that character? Reading through the dialogue and getting a feel for the character is going to prove useful for your audition. Casting directors can tell which voice-over actors do their homework and which fly by the seat of their pants for an audition.

Practice Your Skills With Commercials

Practicing your voice-over skills is easily done by listening to and imitating commercials on radio and television. Pay attention to the tone of the voice-over actor, the pauses and the inflections in the person’s voice. Knowing when to pause or how to adjust your tone are two invaluable skills that can be learned by paying close attention to successful voice-over actors.

Arrive Early to an Audition

Whether you’re a stage actor, a movie actor or a voice-over actor, it’s always a good idea to arrive early to an audition. This gives you time to examine the script and your part in it. You can use the time to evaluate what your part is and come up with some strategies for voices. Also, utilize the time to warm-up your vocal cords and relax before your time to audition arrives.


These are just five tips to keep in mind as you go on auditions. Even if you don’t get a part after auditioning, you can still count it as valuable experience to incorporate on your next audition.

Logan Sekulow is a renowned producer and director who’s responsible for relaunching Laugh-O-Gram studios.