Most Common Reasons Actors Stress About and Ways To Fight It

Many people dream of being an actor but don’t know how challenging it can actually be. Actors deal with a lot of stress on a daily basis whether they are on a movie set or not. Here are the most common reasons actors stress and ways to fight it.

1. Lack of Sleep

Being on the set can include some really early 4 or 5 am mornings that last well into the evening. It is exhausting. Many actors end up sleepy. They must go what they can to have enough energy to provide a dynamic scene. Actors may drink coffee and energy drinks. They may also find time for naps throughout the day.

2. Memorizing Lines

A large role will have pages and pages of lines to memorize. This can be difficult for some actors. If the lines aren’t memorized, the actor won’t be able to give the most authentic performance. To memorize the line, the actor will have to spend hours and hours practicing. They not only have to memorize the lines, but they have to practice how to say them in the most impactful way.

3. Landing the Next Role

Actors don’t get paid if they don’t work. It’s crucial for them to get out there and hustle for roles. However, there is a lot of competition. The best way to combat this is to get a good agent and go to as many auditions as possible. Some actors choose to be overly selective or think they are above auditioning. This will only stop them from doing auditions.

4. Aging

The industry can be harsh on both males and females when it comes to look and age. In order to combat this, actors must take efforts to make themselves look good. They will exercise, diet, perform good skin care, and some may even get plastic surgery. Another option is for them to age naturally and look for suitable roles. Since there may not be as many opportunities, it’s important for them to save money or find alternative sources of income.

5. Lack of Chemistry on Set

In certain movies, you can just feel the connection among the cast. In other movies, you may notice a disconnect. Actors must work well with each other in order to make their performances believable and enhance each other’s skills. The actors must also have a harmonious relationship with the director and the rest of the staff behind the scenes. In order to ensure the chemistry is there, the actor must be agreeable and put effort into it.

On top of all of the work stress, actors must also deal with stress from the press. Many of us dream of a life in Hollywood. However, we have to be prepared to deal with the stresses that come with it.

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